
Top-performing, diverse, reform-minded, and singularlycooperative – that about sums up the University of Bremen. Around 23,000 peoplelearn, teach, research, and work on its international campus. Their shared goalis to contribute to the advancement of society. With well over 100 degreeprograms, the range of subjects offered by the university is broad. As one ofEurope’s leading research universities, it maintains close cooperation withuniversities and research institutes worldwide. The University of Bremen,together with seven partner institutions, will create a European university inthe coming years. The EU Commission is funding the YUFE – Young Universitiesfor the Future of Europe – network. Furthermore, the university is part of theregional U Bremen Research Alliance. The university’s competence and dynamismhave attracted numerous companies to settle in the technology park surroundingthe campus. This has created an important national location for innovation -with the University of Bremen at its heart.